The Lender Provides loans starting from a Minimum of kshs. 500 UpTo a Maximum of kshs. 80,000 having a low interest rate of 0.006% per day and payed within a period of 30 Days to 91 Days Long.
Here how you can get to know more about Apesa Loan App in Kenya.
Apesa Loan USSD Login.
The App is now available at Google Playstore, Download the App in your Phone, Create your Account or Profile, ask for a Loan Limit then Complete by Applying for a Loan Based on the Limit Provided.
Apesa Loan USSD Paybill Number.
Apesa Loan App USSD Paybill Number is 4047993. Pay your loan early inorder to increase your loan limit.
Make sure you enter your Phone Number as your Account Number.
Apesa Loan USSD Contact Numbers.
Incase you come across any Challenge with the App, you can easily reach them via the Following Means;
• Call: +254 20 790 3171.
+254 20 790 3853.
• Whatsapp: +254 20 790 3171.
+254 20 790 3853.
• Email: